Category Archives: Crush Online

Content contributed to Crush Online Magazine –

Pork Ribs With a Coffee Basting Sauce


Coffee Pork Ribs Photo credit –

Jaco created this recipe for on of our shoots with crush online, must say it is perfect for those lazy Sunday afternoon braai’s or even for a new years day braai. A lot of marinated ribs are available off the shelf ready for the braai. But there is nothing more satisfying than cooking own ribs flavouring a vegetable stock with ginger, cloves and star anise. Then basting the ribs for the braai with this coffee inspired sauce.

Yield: 2kg pork ribs, 4 portions

for the pork ribs
2kg pork ribs, cut into 500g portions (par-cooked)

For the coffee basting sauce
70ml double espresso
70ml bbq sauce
70ml sweet Indonesian soya sauce
2g sambal oelek
5g fresh ginger, grated fine
5g corn flour

Place the ribs on the braai and first warm them before starting to brush them with the basting sauce
Brush the rib every time you turn them and only leave them for about a minute or two on each side, to avoid caramelising the meat too much
Cut the ribs into small riblets and serve warm

To prepare the coffee basting sauce
Combine the coffee, sweet Indonesian soya sauce, ginger, bbq sauce and mix well
Take some of the coffee sauce and add it to the corn flour and mix into a slurry
Ad the slurry back to the coffee sauce and pour the mix into a small sauce pot
Warm the sauce until it starts to thicken – check the flavouring
Remove from the heat and cool
Use a brush to baste the ribs while they on the braai

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pasta8 (1)


This is one of those dishes that are so simple as long as if you do not have to make your own pasta.  The dough contains no egg with only flour, semolina and water and originates from Puglia. It is tricky process where a quick hand is required. Dough is rolled into a long cylinder then sliced with a sharp knife and at the same time ‘little ears’ are formed with the same knife being pulled across the pieces of dough to form little dome shaped pasta. Note that not all of them will look the same, the centre is softer than the thicker edges. If all this seems like too much work, dried, store-bought orrechiette will do just fine. This combination is always going to work, pasta, broccoli, bacon and Parmesan. Some recipes use peas, sausage in its origins rapini was used which is a lot more bitter.

Serves: 4-6

Difficulty: moderate
Preparation time: 10-15 minutes
Cooking time: 5 minutes

150 g bacon, diced
1 small chilli, deseeded and chopped
1 – 2 cloves garlic, crushed
200 g broccoli florets, blanched
¼ C (60 ml) white wine
¼ tsp (1.25 ml) lemon zest (optional)
3 Tbsp (45 ml) chopped parsley
1 tsp (5 ml) black pepper
400 g orrechiette, cooked
approximately 100 ml reserved liquid from cooking the pasta
finely grated Parmesan cheese, for serving


Sauté the bacon in a sauté pan until cooked and slightly browned. Add the chilli and garlic.
Add the broccoli florets and deglaze with white wine (it’s OK if the broccoli is slightly overcooked, as this will result in small pieces breaking off and sticking to the pasta). Add the lemon zest (if using).
As soon as the orrechiette is cooked, strain (retain the cooking liquid and set aside) and add to the bacon and broccoli mix.

Move the ingredients continuously in the pan, making sure that the mixture does not stick to the pan. Add some of the reserved pasta cooking liquid to loosen. Add the parsley and the crushed black pepper.

Adjust the seasoning and finish with parmesan before serving.

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Mackerel with wilted baby gem and a charred potato dressing

Crush Rudi14

Credit – Crush Online

Mackerel with wilted baby gem and a charred potato dressing

Fish choices have become a big challenge, as we are limited with choices. We try and buy responsible where possible. In many parts of the world mackerel has been fished beyond sustainable levels. We are still fortunate that we have access to mackerel for now. With an oily flesh, rich in omega-3 it make a great health choice as well as being great to cook on the open fire.

Yield: 4 people


2 whole mackerel, gutted and cleaned
4 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp course salt
2 large red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped
2 small garlic clove, finely chopped
2 tsp apricots jam
Sprigs thyme
4tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp zest

2 heads baby gem lettuce washed
2 medium potato
120 ml olive oil
60ml lemon juice
½ tsp lemon zest
4 garlic cloves roasted
Salt as needed


Score mackerel on each side

Light fire
While the fire is working, place potato straight into fire and cook until soft, remove and allow to cool slightly.
Place 4 garlic cloves in foil with some olive oil and salt and roast close to the fire until soft, remove and mash roughly, combine with salt pepper and olive oil
Remove potatoes, cut in half and scoop out warm soft potato into a bowl, put aside.

Combine all marinade and basting ingredients.
Baste fish lightly place on grill.
Cook for about 5 minutes a side, check for doneness.
Remove, spoon remaining marinade over mackerel. Leave some basting for when the fish is finished.
While it is resting place lettuce on grill. Wilt on open fire edges will burn slightly.
Combine with lightly crushed potatoes, roasted garlic, lemon, olive oil and lemon juice


If you do not have a fire cook fish under the grill.

Time the fish takes to cook will be determined by the size and thickness.

The majority of our fish comes of a green list with a small percentage coming of the orange list set up by SASSI as a guideline to assist us in making correct choices. Between customer demands, supply, the weather and the green list we are sometimes left with small amount to choose from. Yes we do make mistakes with the odd fish coming from the wrong side of the list.

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Our contributions in Crush 52 reinvents retro… We took four recipes and gave them a complete make over – and who doesn’t love a great make over! Retro will always be cool – so this challenge was a dream brief to chef Rudi and his team.

A reinvention of classics such as Aubergine Savarin, a Mushroom Pastry Sandwich, Chicken Kiev and Chilly Con Carne in Chef Rudi’s kitchen. The recipes are online for you to try at home.








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Crush Online Content Contributions

One day as we was scanning through Twitter updates, we noticed a tweet from Crush Online – asking for content contributors for their online foodie magazine. We made contact with Matthew Ibbotson, the publisher or this exciting publication, and we now regularly provide content – for past contributions from the entire crewplease follow this link. Our latest contribution is on Crush 48 – the Romance Issue.




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